Swim Spa Exercises - Resistance Bands and Accessories

Here are some suggested exercises when using Swim Tether row bars, stationary swim tether, arm handles and ankle cuffs.

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Ankle Cuffs

Forward Leg Lift
Start with feet together, flat on pool bottom. Standing with knees and back straight, raise leg upward until parallel with bottom. Pause at the bottom of the movement, slowly lower and repeat. Alternate legs between sets.

Outer Thigh Abductor
Keeping your backside straight against the wall, witn feet side-by-side on pool floor, raise one leg out to the side and upward. Pause at the bottom of the movement, slowly lower and repeat. Alternate legs between sets.

Inner Thigh Adductor
Keeping your backside straight against the pool wall, feet shoulder width apart and knees locked, pull inside leg across the front of opposite leg just past the outer foot. Slowly return to start position and repeat. Alternate legs between sets.

Rear Leg Lift
Keeping knees and hips bent forward slightly and abs tight, slowly “kick” the working leg back in a semicircula r arc as high as it will comfortably go. At full extension, squeeze glutes for peak contraction, slowly lower and repeat. Alternate legs between sets.

Arm Handles

Standing Bicep Curl
Start with your palms facing forward, arms extended downward, and shoulder width apart. Bring handles towards your upper chest keeping elbows tucked into your sides. Pause at the top of the movement then slowly lower to hip level keeping elbows bent.

Standing Reverse Forearm Curl
Start with your palms facing backward, arms extended downward, and shoulder width apart. Bring handles toward your upper chest, keeping elbows tucked into your side. Pause at the top of the movement then slowly lower to hip level keeping elbows bent.

Lateral Arm Extensions
Start with hands to your sides. With elbows locked, raise arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain elbows high above or equal to wrist. Lower and repeat.

Standing Military Press
with your arms and elbows held out, fists at chest level. Lock your legs and hips. Press straight upward and overhead. Lower to your starting point (upper chest or chin depending on what is comfortable) momentarily then press upward again.

Standing Calf Raise
Stand straight with your feet spread apart and firmly planted on the pool bottom. Position your hands at your shoulders. Rise up on your toes as far as possible while keeping your balance. Hold the position for a few seconds. Slowly return to the starting position by lowering your heels back to the pool bottom. Repeat the exercise for several sets, with a rest period in between.

Standing Butterfly
Stand straight with your feet spread apart and firmly planted on the pool bottom.Position your arms parallel to the ground and even with your shoulders, with your elbows and knees slightly bent. Slowly push your arms together while keeping your elbows locked in a bent position. Squeeze your chest muscles and hold for a few seconds. Return to the starting position by slowly releasing the pressure and separating your arms.

Reverse Lateral
Stand straight with your feet spread apart and firmly planted on the pool bottom.

Keep your knees slightly bent. Position your hands together in front of your body at waist level. Slowly pull your hands up and out while squeezing your shoulders together in the middle. Hold the position for a few seconds. Return to the starting position by slowly releasing the pressure and lowering your hands back to the waist level


Sit in the rowing seat and grasp the rower handles to begin your rowing exercise. Bend forward slightly at the waist and keep your back flat. Slowly draw your hands towards your abs while simultaneously leaning back until your torso is perpendicular to the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds. Slowly return to the starting position by straightening your back and extending your arms forward. Repeat the exercise for several sets, with a rest period in between.

Water Jogging

Setup the Swim Tether by connecting the poles (varies depending on system) and attach the swim belt using the stretch cord. Insert the bottom of the pole into the pre-installed swim tether base plate. Clip the belt around your waist and remaining in an upright position while slowly walking, then jogging, to the middle of the swim spa. The tether will restrain you and allow for an effective cardio workout while jogging in place.

Updated on 31 Aug 2024